Thursday, February 11, 2021



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We were told by Sogyal that when a Master meets a Dakini, he has to rape her to gain her secrets, because she will never just give them away. (I've also heard that elsewhere).  It was meant to be funny. What an aggressive male way to interpret a mystery of such unfathomable beauty.

(I'm sitting here staring at the emoticons, especially the very worried looking one who can't stop blushing, wondering how to go on with this topic of Dakini).  I'm not an accomplished yogini, nor anyone special, yet I have had about a handful of powerful nyams which I know in this day and age are very unusual. Bar one, they took place during sleep. I'm only mentioning this to make the point that they took place during times I was also capable of doing exceedingly stupid things. One of them, the first seems to have been a genuine encounter with Dakini activity. I was doing Vajrasattva ngondro at the time in retreat at my old home. I will speak of it here, (though with great reluctance) because as extraordinarily life changing as it was, I still went on to make hopelessly foolish decisions in seeking out Lamas to be my partners. It was a forceful dream that completely swept me up with a power of its own into a radically different form of non-dual blissful consciousness. The nature of the dream was Yab-Yum and clear light, and receiving a message. It finally ended with me pondering an unfamiliar script in the sky, at which point my intellect interfered and I fell down, down, down and woke up.

I know these things should not be talked about, especially plastered over the Internet for god's sake, but I sort of feel ok about it because I have not divulged the message, though I have done so to a handful of trusted friends, and I probably shouldn't have, and I won't in the future.

The point I am trying to make here is that one can (and if I can, anyone can) have powerful awakening experiences and still be pretty much fucked up in other areas of one's life.

So, is this what is happening with the Lamas?

I also mention this to show why I believe in a so-called secret level of consciousness which pervades the Tantras, and why I cannot dismiss Tibetan Buddhism as a load of bunkum. Though I am asking myself whether such experiences do not belong to the Eastern Tradition alone, but are within the capacity of every human being. It is a function of the human mind. However the Tibetan Lamas and yogins seem to have monopolized it and have somehow managed to steal power over women.  So we are being raped.

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